What card are you most hoping to open in your sealed pool?
Bohdan Temmyk (Left) (Sydney): Drone of Brutality
Cayle McCreath (Middle) (Auckland): Unmovable (2)
Luke Badger (Right) (Auckland): Mask of Momentum

What is the best common in WTR Sealed?
Sasha Markovic(Left) (Sydney): Scar for a Scar (1)
Cayle McCreath(Middle) (Auckland): Unmovable (2)
Luke Badger(Right) (Auckland): Awakening Bellow

What hero are you playing and why?
Slava Sheyminz(Left) (Auckland): Bravo - It had the best generic support.
Brett Rogers(Middle) (Taranaki): Rhinar - For Sloggism and Regurgitating Slog.
Roger Miller(Right) (Wellington): Dorinthea - it was a toss-up between warrior and brute, but I just like warrior better.

Sloggism or Nimblism?
Sasha Markovic(Left) (Sydney): Nimblism
Bohdan Temmyk(Middle) (Sydney): Nimblism
Slava Sheymin(Right) (Auckland): Sloggism

What is the best card you're playing in your sealed pool?
Brett Rogers(Left) (Taranaki): Sink Below (1)
Roger Miller(Right) (Wellington): Refraction Bolters
Simon Austin-Wallace(Middle) (Auckland): Unmovable (1)