Welcome to Metagame Minute, where we tuck into the latest tournament results and discuss tasty trends, saucy highlights, and spicy decklists - all wrapped up in a bite-sized read!
Don’t you just hate it when you’re out for a day of family-friendly fun at the Deathmatch Arena, only for it to quickly devolve into a free-for-all bloodbath? Chaos has erupted in the coliseum, with Week 3 of Road to Nationals bringing us yet another incredibly diverse weekend. 17 different heroes on the board, Victor Goldmane de-horsed by Dromai, Kayo holding on tight to the top ranks, and Wizards making a hasty retreat (Really, Kano? You finished that quickly?).
When so many options are viable, success comes down to careful deckbuilding and skillful execution. We’re seeing many innovative decks rise to the top, constructed specifically to catch their local metagame off guard. Until we see what the pro players are cooking up for Pro Tour: Los Angeles, be prepared for anything. The best approach right now is to figure out what tools your hero has available to counter their worst matchups, and rely on old fashioned good gameplay to overcome the rest of the field.
Today, let’s take a look at some of the high risers…

There’s No Place Like Chrome
At this rate Dromai could be facing her last year on the battlefield, which is a scary proposition for Illusionist fans everywhere. We’re seeing redline aggro builds flare in popularity as Dromai adapts to the metagame by shifting away from dragon daycare, mercilessly sending her servants to their demise as if they were just another Ravenous Rabble or Blaze Headlong. There’s a lot of value to be gained by tossing out dragons like they’re grenades, especially when the opponent has to waste their attacks cleaning up them instead of you.
Dust from the Chrome Caverns is a nice little anti-Guardian package as seen in this 1st place decklist, allowing you to stack your Cromais together for a massive late game swing that doesn’t lose to a single popper. On the hot-popping topic of poppers, Down and Dirty is once more making its way into several decks as a solid insurance policy against Dromai. The dragons aren’t even real, they can’t legally hurt you without your permission. Just say no.
Tipping the Scales
You ever call for a Judge? Why not let Azalea do it for you! The Little Ranger That Could has pushed her way to the top this week, no doubt backed by her insane new specialization! Judge, Jury, Executioner is limited to a single copy for a good reason, making Nock the Deathwhistle a terrifying card to see hit the field. Bull’s Eye Bracers is also finally back to give Azalea more purchase with Endless Arrow and Snapdragon Scalers, as seen in this 1st place decklist. The only thing Azalea needs to worry about now is being coerced into peaceful negotiations by Warmonger’s Diplomacy!
It’s not the first time we’ve seen Katsu break the scales with Bonds of Ancestry, but just when it was looking like a format overpowered by Brute, Guardian, Warrior, and Illusionist, out comes the Ninja grandmaster to teach them the ol’ one-two! Ancestral Harmony provides a much cleaner alternative to Art of War, allowing Katsu to play out monster combo lines, while also being a blue 0-cost with 3 defense! Against chunkier decks we’ve seen Katsu utilise Mask of the Pouncing Lynx to fetch Tenacity to punish heavy defense!
Blood Donors
Some thought Uzuri would be taking a backseat this format since she typically excels into extreme metagames rather than broad midrange fields. But sometimes it’s just a matter of showing up with the right tools for the job. Bloodrot Pox is proving to be an effective horse tranquiliser, as seen in this 1st place decklist that managed to defeat five Victors in a row, despite generally being considered a tough matchup. Graven Call is a niche option for pushing more damage against Warriors, enabled by a higher density of contract cards.
The Runeblade class is currently serving time for crimes committed by Chane and Briar, but Viserai is the ultimate escape artist. Purple Man has been dishing out his own packages of Rune Blood, with Sonata Galaxia adding more fuel to the OTK build. He’s still having to lug around his old Nebula Blade, but Dusk till Dawn provided enough toys such as Runic Reckoning for him to keep his head just above water. It’s unlikely Viserai will make any major waves in the pool just yet, but it’s a relief to see he’s not drowning.
One more week of Road to Nationals remains, then we shift into full gear for Pro Tour: Los Angeles. The metagame has bubbled and boiled this entire season with no definitive deck to beat, which means Pro Tour competitors are tasked with solving possibly the hardest Classic Constructed challenge they will ever face. But hey, that’s why we’re giving away $200,000 right?