Welcome to Dev Download, where we share red hot tips and tricks fresh from the game devs at Legend Story Studios so you can pick up a deck and play like a pro! This week we’ll be covering how to play each of the heroes in Rosetta, focusing on Booster Draft and Classic Constructed!
Today we ride the Lightning with Aurora, Shooting Star!

Booster Draft
Rosetta is a dynamic Booster Draft experience, with dual talents (Earth and Lightning), dual classes (Wizard and Runeblade), and explosive arcane damage!
Aurora is a Lightning Runeblade, able to attack several times in a turn with the use of her hero ability to create Embodiment of Lightning tokens. She plays aggressively, often finishing the game with a combination of physical and arcane damage!
Key signals that Aurora is open are powerful red Lightning attacks, such as Lightning Form, Lightning Surge, and Second Strike. Having a large number of these attacks is important for pushing damage and turning on Aurora's hero ability. You'll also want to keep an eye out for cheap Runeblade attacks you can use to extend your turns, such as Runerager Swarm, Meat and Greet, and Hit the High Notes.
When drafting an Aurora deck, aim to pick up between 15-20 Lightning cards, as these will be the backbone of your deck. You'll also want roughly 8-10 blues to pay for Aurora's ability and Star Fall. Bloodtorn Bodice is also a good pickup as it can convert an unneeded Embodiment of Lightning into a free resource. Also don't hesitate to slam dunk Burn Up // Shock if you see it, as this is a massive power play for Aurora with a full hand!
Classic Constructed
Aurora brings an electrifying aggression to the Classic Constructed metagame, able to use her ability to give go again to sweet cards like Snatch for extra value! As a Runeblade she also has access to powerful Legendaries such as Grasp of the Arknight, which is a fantastic alternative to sink your spare resources into if you don't need to use Aurora's hero ability. Unlike other Runeblades, Aurora doesn't rely as heavily on the play pattern of "Attack Action / Non-Attack Action", instead burning through her deck with the speed, precision, and potency of Lightning!
An insane new combo introduced to the Lightning pool in Rosetta is Gone in a Flash with Lightning Greaves. By activating Lightning Greaves, each time you play an instant, such as Electrostatic Discharge, Lightning Press, Shock, Blink, or Channel Lightning Valley, you can bounce Gone in a Flash back to your hand, get go again, and play it again and again and again! Channel Lightning Valley is a must-include in any aggro-focused Aurora build, as it provides the deck with some really neat tricks or added flexibility with playing Lightning cards efficiently.
It's not the first time Rathe has been singed by Lightning storms! You'll find a wide range of Elemental and Lightning cards from Tales of Aria that find a natural home in Aurora, from turn extenders like Entwine Lightning and Weave Lightning, to cards that bring good value to the table like Arcanic Shockwave and Rites of Lightning, to some key instants like Lightning Press and Blink that not only synergise with your deck, but also provide some solid utility into decks such as Illusionist.
If your focus is to build a lean, mean, Lightning machine that pumps out wide turns with maximum efficiency, you'll find a few extra goodies in the 1st Strike decks. These aren't necessary for the deck to function at a powerful level, but their simplicity and synergy do smooth out some rough corners.
If you’re interested in taking Aurora for a spin casually at your local Armory or just among friends but don’t want to commit to expensive Legendaries just yet, try out our Budget Aurora Decklist below!