The protectors of Isenloft awaken from their endless winter slumber. The wardens of Candlehold sharpen their thorns within the blossoming undergrowth. The prophets of Volthaven set their sights on a future painted by great aurora.

Tales of Aria is a standalone booster set introducing three new heroes with all new mechanics, as we explore the vibrant land of Aria and the troubles that lie within. Designed for exceptional sealed deck, booster draft, and constructed format play.
Release date: September 24, 2021
Set code: ELE
Product type: Standalone Booster Pack (Designed for booster draft, sealed deck, and constructed play.)
Cards in set: 238
MSRP: $3.99 USD / €3.99 EUR / $5.99 AUD / $5.99 NZD /$5.49 CAD
MAP: MAP information available here.
- First Edition Booster Pack: 0 9421905459471
- First Edition Display (24 packs): 0 9421905459488
- First Edition Carton (4 displays): 0 9421905459495
Set Configuration:
- 14 Tokens
- 136 Commons
- 54 Rares
- 27 Majestic
- 6 Legendary
- 1 Fabled
Pack Configuration
A booster display contains 24 booster packs. A booster pack contains 16 cards, being:
- Premium Foil - 1 per pack (Rainbow Foil or Cold Foil)
- Rare or higher - 1 + 1 per pack (1 Rare + 1 Rare/Majestic)
- Common - 12 per pack
- Token - 1 per pack
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Tales of Aria Marketing Assets
Product Design: James White
Development: Jason Chung, Newsun Zeng, Karol Ruszkiewicz, Kieran McEntegart, Calum Gittins
Booster Draft Development: James White, Chris Gehring, Chris Pearce
Product engineering: Chris Gehring
Creative Director, Art Director: Robbie Wen
Assistant Art Director: MJ Fetesio
Concept Design, Asset rendering: MJ Fetesio
Packaging: Marco Wulfr
Productions & Manufacturing Lead: Robbie Wen
Productions Assistant: Kathleen Fetesio
Foiling: MJ Fetesio, Kathleen Fetesio