There is a darkness spreading across the land. As grotesque creatures rise from the shadows, a long-forgotten power reemerges, with dark machinations that threaten to upset the delicate balance of this world.
Will you take advantage of the chaos, or fight to preserve the peace?

Release date: March 27, 2020
Set code: ARC
Product type: Standalone Booster Pack (Designed for booster draft, sealed deck, and constructed play.)
Cards in set: 219
MSRP: $3.99 USD/ $5.49 CAD / $5.99 AUD / $5.99 NZD / €3.99 EUR
- First Edition Booster Pack: 0 9421905459136
- First Edition Booster Display (24 packs): 0 9421905459181
- First Edition Booster Carton (4 displays): 0 9421905459198
Set Configuration:
- 14 Tokens
- 126 Commons
- 48 Rares
- 15 Super Rares
- 10 Majestic
- 5 Legendary
- 1 Fabled

Pack Configuration
A booster display contains 24 booster packs. A booster pack contains 16 cards, being:
- 1 Token
- 4 Generic Commons
- 7 Class Commons
- 1 Rare
- 1 Rare / Super Rare / Majestic
- 1 Equipment
- 1 Premium Foil (can be from any non-token rarity)
ARC Preview Season
Preview season for Arcane Rising ran from the 2nd March - the 20th March 2020.
ARC Pre-release Events
Sealed deck prerelease events ran in-stores on the 21st of March (Saturday) and 22nd of March (Sunday).
Each pre-release event had 16 Young Hero foil promo cards and 2 limited edition Arcane Rising playmats up for grabs!

Arcane Rising Marketing Assets
Product Design: James White
Development: James White, Chris Gehring, Jason Chung
Product Engineering: James White
Creative Director, Art Director: Robbie Wen
Assistant Art Director: MJ Fetesio
Concept Design, Asset Rendering, Packaging: MJ Fetesio
Productions & Manufacturing: Robbie Wen
Foiling: MJ Fetesio, Sindy Wo, Robbie Wen