Sunday - Battle Hardened
118 players, Living Legend, $2,000 up for grabs...

The keen ear may have heard rumblings of Chane and Lexi cornering the Living Legend metagame Post-Starvo-Mortem, but it came as a true shock to the system to face the biting cold of an Iyslander Uprising!

You know his name, you know his face, but did you know Alexander Vore beat a Prism at full power with Kano? Just built different. Congratulations to Alexander for showing Rathe's Most Wanted how it's done!

Decklists will be published in the event recap.
Sunday - The Calling
624 players, Classic Constructed, $30,000 on the line...

Zen and Nuu leading the pack as expected, but this time we have a massive showing of Kayo as well. Strong pockets of Levia and Riptide to shake things up, and... is that a Katsu??

Despite meeting insurmountable resistance in the Pro Tour, this Calling really was Zen's house. The famed Charles Dunn, former United States National Champion, took it all the way through a mirror match and two of Zen's worst matchups to claim the victory!

Decklists will be published in the event recap.
Sunday - The Finals
It begins. Bartosz vs Shoma. Poland vs Japan. A former Pro Tour Finalist back for blood, and Japan’s Switchblade. They’ve both come too far to let up even an inch.

Bartosz elects for Shoma to start, and immediately an Isolate comes down, exactly the card you don’t want to see going second. Luckily there’s no on-hits, Just a Nick.
Bartosz needs to set up, so his first turn is calm, play out some combo cards, arsenal, pass.
Shoma flips into a Surgical Extraction, Bartosz counters with That All You Got? Spoiler alert, it isn’t all he got. The same shreds that have been taking names all weekend force through the hit, and the crowd winces as The Grain that Tips the Scale is fished off the top, followed by a punch to the gut as Preserve Tradition is ripped from hand. Two precious Chi down already.

Shoma doesn’t let up, with two Silver in his pocket he cashes in his Blacktek Whisperers early on a Shakedown. Bartosz reveals the perfect hand with Descendent Gustwave and Bonds of Ancestry, and this is the terror of playing against Assassin, watching each dream hand wasted turn after turn. Shoma follows up with Leave No Witnesses, still two cards in hand. Bartosz rubs his temples and goes deep in the tank. Uzuri is extremely hard to predict and his entire comeback is riding on not making a single mistake.
No blocks. He figures he’ll lose his arsenal to Shred anyway so he may as well deny Shoma the opportunity to play them. Descendent Gustwave gets tossed from the arsenal to the bin, leaving Bartosz back at square one. The only way forward is to let it go, and rebuild. Luckily, Bartosz is the ultimate rebuilder, the only player to date to have made it to the final match of TWO Pro Tours.

Shoma buys back his boots, knocks on Bartosz’s door with Amnesia. Bartosz knows it’s a vicious cycle if he tries to defend so he takes it, hoping to push back enough damage to tempt Shoma into blocking and give him some legroom to work with. Bartosz drops Art of War into Biting Breeze, and finally - he transcends! Amnesia came just in time to stop a monster turn. Shoma cashes in a beautifully timed Balance of Justice for a free draw, and the Art of War turn passes over without too much devastation.
Shoma, so clean and clinical with a 5 card hand, with a comfortable life lead, plays out a Persuasive Prognosis. It’s only 1 damage, right? Bartosz glances over at the 4 unrevealed cards on Shoma’s side of the arena. So many dangers, so many potential missteps, he’s playing a $50,000 game of Minesweeper.
No blocks, was it just 1 damage? No, it was Just a Nick! Persuasive Prognosis hits a couple of Hundred Winds and snatches an Ancestral Harmony from hand. Another anthem down, and some bonus life gain for Shoma. The arsenal is threatened once again by Leave No Witnesses, but Bartosz knows blocking is a fool’s game and takes it, hoping for a window to make a counter attack. But this is The Pits. This is Shoma’s domain, and there are NO windows in The Pits. The second Art of War is banished off the top, another nail in the rapidly closing coffin.
With Bartosz at 10 life and Shoma at 24, the pressure is bone breaking. Why not increase that pressure even more with Looking for a Scrap? Bartosz goes to 5, he needs a MONUMENTAL crackback, and he needs it now. But with Nuu commanding all the attention, nobody was prepared for Uzuri. Tiger Stripe Shuko is sacrificed to Scale Peeler, Twelve Petal Kāṣāya and Stride of Reprisal plus a card from hand soak up the follow-up Command and Conquer.

Bartosz kicks his turn off with Levels of Enlightenment, followed by a quick transcend, but is it too late? The Ancestral Harmony he so carefully protected from Command and Conquer comes down and… it MISSES! Bartosz searches Tiger Swipe to try and force a double block, but Shoma calmly covers it up with Blacktek Whisperers and a Sink Below from hand.
Three cards in hand, his Fyendal’s Spring Tunic on three counters, Shoma leads with Looking for a Scrap, Bartosz knows it’s now or never. He gives up Traverse the Universe, searching for an Inner Chi, and Shoma uses a perfectly timed Flick Knives to toss a Spider’s Bite, both pushing Bartosz closer to lethal and reducing his defenses on the followup attack.
The dreaded Codex of Frailty comes down, retrieving a Command and Conquer, and leaving Bartosz with a single option - defend with his whole hand or die. Bartosz slowly unveils his hand, a beautiful glittering array of Chi, capable of so much destruction in the right circumstances, but at the end of the day - none of them can defend.

Winning an entire Pro Tour with a hero thought to be dead, proving the Zen doomscrollers wrong, and bringing glory to Osaka - not bad for Shoma’s first trip abroad, right?

Sunday - Interview: Shoma Yamamura
Shoma Yamamura is a player from Japan, 2024 National Championship Finalist, and the owner of TCG Shop Go Again - the first Flesh and Blood exclusive local game store in the country. Shoma has had an incredible run, as of writing he is currently in Top 4 at Pro Tour: Amsterdam. While most people have been swooning over Nuu, Alluring Desire, Shoma was one of only two who entered the ring with Uzuri, Switchblade.

72 picked Nuu, but you’re one of two who picked Uzuri. Why?
I’m already using Uzuri in Japan, and Uzuri can beat Kayo, Victor, Nuu, and Zen, but she can’t beat Kano. So I hope I don’t match with Kano. Nuu has Siren’s Call, but I decided to use Uzuri because I can beat Nuu with her.
Why is Uzuri your favourite hero?
I started playing Classic Constructed with Uzuri. She is really strong, but difficult to play and win with.
How did it feel to get that win-and-in in the last round of swiss to make it into Top 8?
It’s like a dream come true to me, because this is the first time in my life that I have traveled overseas.
What was it like being in that intense grind game versus Shing Tsang?
It was so difficult, every single play had to be perfect.
What made you want to run a store in Japan dedicated exclusively to Flesh and Blood?
I started playing Flesh and Blood one year ago, and I felt like the game was so great, and I wanted a store just for Flesh and Blood, so I started a shop.
How did you get good at Flesh and Blood so quickly?
When I started a year ago I watched games on YouTube, it felt amazing and beautiful, and it got me really excited. I want new players to watch the stream, feel great, and join the game from that feeling.
What’s the best way for Japanese players to join the game?
Buy an Armory Deck at your local TCG shop.
What’s your favourite booster set?
Any shout outs?
Saturday - Cosplay Contest
Before we cut into the Top 8 action, let's cut into some fabric and EVA foam. Yesterday saw the stage graced by 12 insanely talented tailors, each with a story to tell. For many it was the first hero they played, their favourite class, or even their deck from the Pro Tour! For others it was a means of showcasing important art, testing their crafting skills with a new challenge, or embracing their cultural heritage.

Judges awarded Top 4 places to Carolina Alvarado, Alexandra-Gabriela Frangopol, Eser Unger, and Sheila Sauber for not only their expertise, accuracy, and creativity, but also the way they embodied their character on stage. Adding yet another Cold Foil Taylor promo to her collection for winning first place was Carolina in her shining suit of armour! Congratulations to Carolina and to the rest of our competitors, and thank you all for the hard work each of you put into making the world of Rathe come alive.

Saturday - Meet the Top 8
Bartosz Ziemba, Poland

Classic Constructed: Zen, Tamer of Purpose
Draft 1: Enigma
Draft 2: Enigma
Record: 12-2
Local Game Store: Shop Gracz
Favourite Food: Dumplings
Favourite Card:
"I started playing in 2020. I'm feeling great, it's time for the comeback! My favourite moment has been playing the game, seeing the world. Shout outs to the Cracow Dojo, Team Poland, and my brother Lukasz."
Shing Tsang, Hong Kong

Classic Constructed: Nuu, Alluring Desire
Draft 1: Nuu
Draft 2: Zen
Record: 12-2
Local Game Store: Blue Pitch Base
Favourite Food: Chicken Soup Hot Pot
Favourite Card:
"I started playing in 2020. It's good to be in Top 8 in a Tier 4 again, I hope this time I've got it. My favourite moment was when I found out I had locked Top 8 with Pudding again. Shout outs to Team Blue Pitch, we tested a lot and I can always feel their support, and Yuki, who helped me a lot with booster draft."
Tariq Patel, Canada

Classic Constructed: Nuu, Alluring Desire
Draft 1: Enigma
Draft 2: Enigma
Record: 12-2
Local Game Store: Invasion Games
Favourite Food: Pizza / Steak
Favourite Card:
"I started playing in 2021. I'm feeling happy and thankful for my amazing group. My favourite moment has been making Top 8 and the chance to go further. Shout outs to Team Commonwealth, Juha, who put the majority of effort into the deck, and of course to my loving wifey."
Pudding Tam, Hong Kong

Classic Constructed: Zen, Tamer of Purpose
Draft 1: Enigma
Draft 2: Nuu
Record: 11-3
Local Game Store: Blue Pitch Base
Favourite Food: Ramen (not pudding)
Favourite Card:
"I started playing in 2020. I will try my best to send Zen to Living Legend and bring back Bonds of Ancestry for Katsu! Shing and I made it again! Many people I've talked to are people I met online, really happy about that. Shout outs to Blue Pitch for sure! Everyone cheer for us!"
Kevin Zänker, Germany

Classic Constructed: Levia, Shadowborn Abomination
Draft 1: Zen
Draft 2: Enigma
Record: 11-3
Local Game Store: Cards Central
Favourite Food: Bread
Favourite Card:
"I started playing in 2021. I'm feeling good! My favourite moment has been not rolling a single 1 on Scabskins this tournament. Shoutouts to Freddy, Benni, and all my fans from Austria and the Netherlands."
Gabe Sher, Netherlands (originally Canada)

Classic Constructed: Nuu, Alluring Desire
Draft 1: Enigma
Draft 2: Enigma
Record: 11-3
Local Game Store: N/A
Favourite Food: Shawarma
Favourite Card:
"I started playing in 2021. I'm feeling like a dream come true. I set this as a goal a year and a half ago but I never really believed I could accomplish it. Just wowed. Honestly, the preparation process was really enjoyable and would have been worthwhile regardless of the result. I think my favourite moment was drawing my second to last hand in my win-and-in and seeing an opportunity to transcend, stripping the opponent's hand or maybe winning on the spot. Shout outs to all of Team Niet Goed for all the hours of prep and bringing joy back to the game for me."
Shoma Yamamura, Japan

Classic Constructed: Uzuri, Switchblade
Draft 1: Nuu
Draft 2: Nuu
Record: 11-3
Local Game Store: TCG Shop Go Again
Favourite Food: Pasta
Favourite Card:
"I started playing in 2023. I'm feeling like a dream. My favourite moment was when I made Top 8. I want Uzuri's Pro Tour version!"
Tom Tydecks, Germany

Classic Constructed: Zen, Tamer of Purpose
Draft 1: Zen
Draft 2: Zen
Record: 11-3
Local Game Store: City Comics / TCG Warehouse
Favourite Food: I'm not picky
Favourite Card:
"I started playing in 2021. I'm feeling awestruck, can't believe it. My favourite moment was hearing my name announced at 8th place, wasn't sure I was in. Shout outs to my teams Value Vampires and locals Leipziger Baubles."
Saturday - Dumpster Dive
Commoner has entered the chat. This is not a drill. Welcome to this very special minisode of Dumpster Dive, where we’re taking a tasty bite out of the Commoner Gold Foil event at Amsterdam. While Ira, Crimson Haze has been taking names at a fair few of these events, today’s victor is none other than the OG edgelord himself, Chane, piloted to a squeaky clean 8-0 finish by Kevin Lerens.

The deck largely sustains itself with Shrill of Skullform turns to output mad value until it inevitably hits multiple Seeds of Agony and Rift Binds off the top to close out the game. Rosetta Thorn provides lean damage into aggro while simultaneously being a potent anti-fatigue tool. What impressed me most about Kevin’s deck was its carefully thought out sideboard plan. Into aggro decks like Fast Ira, Fai, and Dash, Kevin ran Sink Below and Ironrot equipment, just to survive long enough for the shackle shenanigans to start cooking.
But into control decks like Slow Ira, Oldhim, and Enigma, Kevin swaps the defense reactions for Flock of the Featherwalkers, and replaces the Ironrots with utility equipment like Ebon Fold and Goliath Gauntlet. Some games can definitely still come down to what you see off the top of your deck, but for the most part, the deck is very reliable at taking its opponents to the Gretna Hotel in Taihape (for our non-Kiwi readers, this is slang for murder).
Congratulations to Kevin for taking home the bacon! If you’re keen to dive into the world of budget beatdowns, why not try Kevin’s decklist at the next Commoner Gold Foil event? You’ll find a mix of new and experienced players who have no real idea what’s going on, but they have a pocket full of chaff, a great sense of humour, and a voracious appetite for fun and casual gaming.
Saturday - Metagame Minute: Day 2
Welcome to Day 2. This is the critical point in our mystery Pro Tour Champion’s journey. This is where they will encounter The Grain that Tips the Scale. 187 players remain, each desperate to lock in that foothold into Top 8.

Our Part the Mistveil trio have held onto their leading positions, with Zen backed by both numbers and the advantage of general aggression in a wide field. But he can’t be too happy to see a conspiracy of Nuus chasing his tail, threatening to turn many clean runs into death traps.
Below them we see a slight reshuffling of positions, Kayo slowing down while Azalea steps on the gas. 7 Dash, Inventor Extraordinaire still afloat in Day 2 brings the promise of an enormous outcome, as she is still very much live to cross the threshold into Living Legend if even one of her pilots goes all the way.
Maxx Nitro, Dorinthea, and Rhinar are clutching onto the last whittling remains of their Battlefront Bastions, meanwhile we sadly have to say goodbye to Fai, Kassai, and Teklovossen. It’s exciting to see a vast majority of heroes have converted to Day 2, and speaking of conversions, we need to talk about Uzuri...

While everyone swoons over Nuu, this plucky pair entered the Pro Tour with gritted teeth and relentless determination. An incredible 100% conversion into Day 2 with decks sharpened to a deadly point for this exact metagame, and the advantage of everybody being prepared for the wrong Assassin. The radar has been flown under, the calls are correct, and GODDAMN does it pay to be the boss.
Zen and Nuu both have solid conversion rates with over half of players making it to Day 2, but keep in mind that they also had the highest numbers in Day 1, which naturally lends itself to higher representation. Oh, and they’re both strong as hell, don’t forget that bit.
Most middle-of-the-road heroes from Day 1 have seen middle-of-the-road conversions, which has created a diverse field of threats and will make for some very thrilling matchups. It’s worth noting that with Booster Draft also in the mix, the results are not always clear cut, but for many fans out there hoping to see their favourite hero make Top 8 - it’s a bloody good day.
Who’s going to take it all?

Friday - Draft Download
With the first leg of Classic Constructed done and dusted, our brave heroes now face the perilous canyons and gullies of Misteria. This is where clean 4-0 records can shatter to pieces in a single pack. In an unbelievable milestone in TCG history, the Pro Tour field has found itself excruciatingly close to a perfect split!

We’re following Christopher Iaali as he delves into an absolute rollercoaster of a draft. Christopher has a stacked pod to face, composed of National Champions, Battle Hardened Champions, and even a World Championship Finalist. Christopher finds red Waxing Specter in the first pack and elects to lock in Enigma. A Drop in the Ocean? More like An Icing on the Cake. The road ahead seems clean, but things are not always as they seem beyond the mistveil. There’s a few other moonlit manifestors looking to cut his lunch.

In such a high synergy format, with so many branches available to all three heroes, it can be tempting to stay open until the signals are clear. But then you risk losing the juice needed to pull together a Pro Tour winning deck. Having locked in Enigma early, Christopher starts picking up the various tools he’ll need to round out his strategy. He almost can’t believe it when he gets passed a Three Visits!
But things quickly go south in Pack 2 when the Illusionist well suddenly runs dry. The worst position to be in is one of several heroes fighting to get all the pieces of the puzzle, and ultimately ending up with an incomplete picture. Instead of a knee jerk pivot, Christopher stays the course. He knows the signals he’s sent, and he continues to pick up what he can, favouring cards like Evasive Leap over Wounding Blow in order to play around the inevitable Pick to Pieces he knows are coming his way.
Christophers prayers are answered in Pack 3 with a second red Waxing Specter. He continues to load up on Battlefront Bastions, which are crucial in this format for protecting auras against sticks and knives. He’s careful to lock in another transcend card before they all get snapped up, and manages to get his hands on the rest of the pieces - Illusionist equipment to pair with his costed instants, a fourth transcend card, blues, and even a Haze Shelter. We are so back!
Pack 1 | Pack 2 | Pack 3 |
Waxing Specter (red) | Preserve Tradition | Waxing Specter (red) |
A Drop in the Ocean | Waning Vengeance (red) | Battlefront Bastion (yellow) |
Second Tenet of Chi: Tide | Evasive Leap (red) | Stir the Pot |
Battlefront Bastion (blue) | Battlefront Bastion (blue) | Battlefront Bastion (yellow) |
Skybody Keikoi | Wounding Blow (blue) | Uphold Tradition |
Second Tenet of Chi: Tide | First Tenet of Chi: Moon | Evasive Leap (red) |
First Tenet of Chi: Tide | Solitary Companion (red) | Single Minded Determination (blue) |
Three Visits | Spectral Manifestations (blue) | Truths Retold |
Moon Chakra (blue) | Wash Away | A Drop in the Ocean |
Vengeful Apparition (red) | Rising Tide | Haze Shelter (red) |
Waxing Specter (blue) | Waning Vengeance (blue) | First Tenet of Chi: Wind |
Single Minded Determination (blue) | Essence of Ancestry: Body | Single Minded Determination (red) |
Waxing Specter (blue) | Pick to Pieces (yellow) | Waning Vengeance (blue) |
Sigil of Solitude (yellow) | Solitary Companion (yellow) | Haze Shelter (blue) |
At the end of Day 1 we have three undefeated players from three different countries, including one from the home team:
- Christopher Iaali, United States (Prism, Awakener of Sol)
- Etienne Barioulet, France (Nuu, Alluring Desire)
- Gabe Sher, Netherlands (Nuu, Alluring Desire)
A jaw-dropping performance from all three on Day 1, but they can't let it go to their heads. Seven rounds still loom, and we've seen how drastically the tables can shift on Day 2. The stakes have reached spillover point. One misstep and it's all picked to pieces.

Friday - Metagame Minute: Day 1
The Pro Tour is in full swing, with more than 390 players taking a stab at their share of $200,000. First they have to muscle through the gauntlet of Classic Constructed, which is currently at the mercy of our Part the Mistveil friends.
Despite losing a few copies of Bonds of Ancestry, Zen has stayed true to his path, replacing ceiling with consistency to retain his status as the deck to beat. He needs to watch his step though, as snakes are hiding just beneath the murky water.
Nuu is Zen’s natural predator, and packs enough tools to deal with a wide range of heroes in a wide range of cruel and unusual ways. But she also needs to watch her back, as a sea of Illusionists have bubbled to the surface to wreck some dreams.

Beyond the three blue folk we see some of the usual suspects. Prism, Kayo, Azalea, Victor, Kano, and Dash have all been doing the rounds in Top 8 brackets recently, and it comes to no surprise to see them in strong numbers, piloted by household names with thousands of reps under their belt.
Beyond that we have a staggering spread of heroes once thought to be a pipe dream such as Riptide, now anti-meta sleepers that even previous Pro Tour Champions are confident bringing into battle.
Zen may be the deck to beat, but this metagame is still wide open enough for Levia to discard two Beast Withins to pop a Great Library of Solana.

Quickdraw Questions - Arthur Trehet

Who are you repping in Classic Constructed?
I'm playing Nuu because I think she's a strong deck in the meta and also has a very good matchup into Zen, which is probably the most represented.
Part the Mistveil - too strong?
I think it's definitely very powerful, maybe a bit overtuned, but some older decks are still viable, so I don't know.
What heroes are making Top 8?
2 Zen, 2 Nuu, 1 Prism, 1 Kano, 1 Kayo, and 1 Azalea.
Quickdraw Questions - Shing Tsang

Who are you repping in Classic Constructed?
I'm playing Nuu because I generally love her playstyle and the disruption she has. She's good into Zen as well.
Part the Mistveil - too strong?
I think it's kind of too powerful. I think Zen is a very straightforward deck that can do a lot of damage in a turn, even after the Banned and Restricted Announcement. I think Nuu is the counter to that, she disrupts a lot. One card in Zen can be worth fairly more than 3, so if Nuu can disrupt them that's good. Nuu is a really strong control deck with powerful cards like Siren's Call. And I think Enigma has a very special role. She gets beaten down by Zen a lot but she also beats a lot of decks in the meta - it's Illusionist stuff, but more powerful.
What heroes are making Top 8?
3 Nuu, 2 Zen, 1 Azalea, 1 Prism, and 1 Kano (if they can draft).
Quickdraw Questions - Brodie Spurlock

Who are you repping in Classic Constructed?
I'm playing Zen, Tamer of Purpose, I guess just because I think he's by a little bit the best deck.
Part the Mistveil - too strong?
I don't think it's too powerful. I definitely like when new sets make a splash in the meta. Zen is one of the more powerful heroes we've seen in a minute, there's been a lot of talk about that. Obviously there's some counterplay to him, we had the recent bans and a couple things keeping him in check. I think there are a couple of stand out cards that are individually really powerful, and some of those cards you could argue are too powerful, but the set as a whole did a good job of putting the new heroes into the top of the meta without invalidating the other heroes or completely taking over. Despite Nuu and Zen being the most played decks, you see a bunch of Prisms in the field, a lot of other decks that are in my opinion, still quite viable. I did abandon Azalea for this event but I think she's still a great pick. Overall, thumbs up from me.
What heroes are making Top 8?
2 Nuu, 2 Zen, 1 Prism, 1 Azalea, 1 Kano, 1 Victor Goldmane.
Friday - Welcome, Traveller
A layer of fine mist coats the streets of Amsterdam. Past busy cycleways, glittering canals, and stroopwafel shops something bright and blue catches your eye. Enigma draws you into the building, her eyes flickering with the promise of mystery waiting within...

Within five minutes of doors opening, players are already unfurling playmats, getting out the gear, and jumping into a good old fashioned game of Flesh and Blood. The venue sparks with excitement, but also a whisper of unease. It's impossible to predict what will emerge from the mists.

You must be famished from your travels. Sit down, have a feast, crack open a cold one, catch up with old friends. Flesh and Blood is all about great games and good times, and the Pro Tour offers a double helping of each. Embrace tradition.

The journey has been long and perilous, I can tell from your worn clothes. Perhaps it's time to update the wardrobe with a lavish garment featuring Nuu, Enigma, or Zen? Or maybe a commemorative Pro Tour: Amsterdam shirt? The choice is yours.

You look like you have a keen eye for a good bargain. If you've got coin to spend, the Midtown Markets has everything a cardboard addict could dream of. Cold Foil daggers for your max-rarity Nuu deck? Rainbow Foil Storm Striders to fuel the Rosetta hype? On-site PCG grading for your Enigma, New Moon? Done.

History will be made here. Moments in time etched into the Roll of Honor for all eternity. This is where it all goes down, from the very first hopeful game, to the nailbiting win-and-in, to the final match that will decide the next Pro Tour Champion.

The time has come. Seats are filled, decks are shuffled, nerves are wracked. Desire to win courses through your veins. You are one in hundreds - a drop in the ocean - but your tale is one that will be told for years to come.

Thursday - Keynote Recap
Those of you lucky enough to catch Bryan Gottlieb’s Keynote Presentation in person or on the live stream - settle down, I can feel your goosebumps from here! Those of you who missed it, here’s all the juicy scoops…

The product pipeline is fully stocked for Flesh and Blood fans of every calibre. Rough dates are set out for the next two standalone booster sets, with Set 15 in January 2025, followed by Set 16 in May 2025. Any guesses as to what the themes are?
Following the smashing success of Armory Decks, a whopping four more have been thrown into the mix, releasing in October, November, April, and July. Bryan also confirmed that one of these Armory Decks will introduce an entirely new hero.
Terra and Aurora will guide our next generation of heroes with 1st Strike, debuting at early access events at Gen Con on August 1, 2024. This is the perfect starting point for new players to learn the ways of Earth and Lightning in time for Rosetta!
And lastly, a delicious gem for those players who have learned the ropes and are looking to take the next step up with the brand-new Mastery Pack! This special booster set contains 140 mostly new cards, all playable within a certain class. This allows fans to master their favourite class, upgrade their decks, and even Crack, Shuffle, Play! We’re kicking things off with Mastery Pack: Guardian, releasing in March 2025. You know what that means? It’s hammer time!

Organised Play
We know you love getting seasonal play info hot off the press, so here’s a little snapshot of what’s to come so you can start blocking out your calendars. Pro Quest returns in October, followed by Skirmish Season 10 in December, Road to Nationals in February, Pro Quest in April, 2025 National Championships in June, and Skirmish Season 11 in July.
World Premieres for the next two standalone booster sets are on the map, taking place in January 2025 and May 2025, and we even got a sneak peak at where and when the next two Pro Tours are landing! Pro Tour 6 is taking place in Europe in March 2025, and Pro Tour 7 will go down in APAC in July 2025. Wonder what that means for the 2025 World Championship…
We’ve still got the rest of the $1,500,000 Pro Play Circuit to ride out the rest of 2024, with Callings, Battle Hardeneds, and the highly anticipated World Championship: Osaka still to come. Those of you joining us in Japan for the World Championship may even get your hands on something truly special - the 5th Anniversary pack. WHAT’S INSIDE IT, BRYAN? THE PEOPLE HAVE TO KNOW!
Joining the 2024 Circuit are Calling: Florence from November 15-17, and Calling: Kuala Lumpur from December 6-8. More details to follow, but for now - better book those flights! For those who enjoy the ballistic power fantasy of Living Legend, Calling: Chicago will be the first ever Calling to feature the format! We also have Battle Hardened: Geneva from November 29 - December 1, and for those that didn’t catch the bright red cable car at the bottom of the Organised Play page already, Battle Hardened: Wellington from December 6-8.

Alright, let’s get into the meat and veg. Let’s talk Rosetta. The upcoming booster set returns players to the mythical sanctuary of Aria, through thorny thickets and volatile thunderstorms, deep into the dense undergrowth where the forces of Earth and Lightning converge!
- Preview Season: August 27-30
- World Premiere: September 6
- Calling: Tampa Bay: September 7-8
- Pre-Release Events: September 13-16
- Release Day: September 20
- Play Day Events: September 20-22
If you’re green to Flesh and Blood, the best way to join the action is with Road to Tampa Bay, starting at Gen Con on August 1! Learn how to play with beginner-friendly 1st Strike decks, then hit up your local game store when 1st Strike releases worldwide on August 23. From there you’ll be just as primed as everyone else to join us in Tampa Bay for World Premiere: Rosetta on September 6!
The path of Earth rewards the slow and steady, patiently planting seeds for a bountiful harvest. The path of Lightning rewards the fast and fervent, burning bright like a shooting star.
Wizards rely on superior intellect to outplay their foes with absolute mastery of the arcane arts. Runeblades harness steel in one hand and sorcery in the other, ultimate hybrid fighters who attack from all angles.
Two classes... Two talents... Will you Outlast… or Outblast?
Rosetta introduces a brand new card type - split-cards! These unique horizontal cards allow Elemental heroes to harness the forces of nature like never before. Quite simply, split-cards have two halves and you are allowed to choose either half to play. You’ll notice the split-cards in Rosetta have the keyword Meld, which allows you to choose one or both halves of the card to play. If you choose both halves, you have to pay the resource cost for both (for example, if I want to play both halves of Pulsing Aether // Life, I’d need 2 resources to pay 1 for each half).
With Rosetta also comes an exciting update to Limited formats! Sanctuary of Aria is our first Macro card, which means you start the game with it in the arena when playing Rosetta Limited. Moving forward, ‘Limited’ means any format comprised exclusively of cards from a single set. This includes:
- Sealed Deck
- Booster Draft
- Blitz Preconstructed
That’s a lot to digest and it’s only Thursday! If you enjoyed the Keynote presentation, let us know on social media which hero from Rosetta you’re most excited for. Catch you back here tomorrow as we dive into Day 1 of the Pro Tour!
Thursday - Into the Mist...
You walk a path well traveled. Some faces are familiar to you, other faces unknown from distant lands. Yet you are all here for the same purpose. You are one of hundreds, cloaked in the crowd, limitless energy waiting to be harnessed. Peril awaits you, and you will persevere. Mind, body, and soul will undergo great challenges, and you will persevere. Your inner self lies undiscovered just below the surface, and you will persevere. You, and only you, are the next Pro Tour Champion, although you do not know it yet...