Darryn Ying won Calling: Sydney with Florian.
More than 190 players came together in the Flesh and Blood to Calling: Sydney last weekend to compete in Rosetta Booster Draft. The Top 8 had a perfectly balanced split between all four heroes. The final match came down to Darryn Ying on Florian versus Mathew Fletcher on Verdance. Congratulations to TWO-TIME Limited Calling Champion Darryn Ying for winning the title, PTI, Gold Foil, and lion's share of $10,000 USD! Your name has been etched once more into the Roll of Honor!
Battle Hardened

Steven Young won Battle Hardened: Sydney with Kano, Dracai of Aether.
Top 8 Decklists
More than 70 players came together in the Flesh and Blood to Battle Hardened: Sydney last weekend to compete in Classic Constructed. The Top 8 showcased the strength of the new Wizard and Runeblade cards in Rosetta, but also surprisingly featured a fierce solo Katsu! The final match came down to Steven Young versus Fahad Rahman in a Kano, Dracai of Aether mirror match. Congratulations to Steven Young for winning the title, PTI, Gold Foil, exclusive playmat, and lion's share of $2,000 USD!

Louis Shum won the Commoner Gold Foil with Chane.