Flesh and Blood World Premiere
Be the first in the world to play Flesh and Blood, “The New Classic TCG”, published by Legend Story Studios, Auckland New Zealand.
Learn to play with the developers of Flesh and Blood then stake your claim at the $1000 cash prize in the FREE to play Ira, Crimson Haze $1K tournament (Ira deck provided)!
About Flesh and Blood
Flesh and Blood (FAB) is a new trading card game, set in the fantasy world of Rathe. You play as a hero, with many classic fantasy classes to choose from. The first FAB product, Welcome to Rathe, introduces Warrior, Guardian, Ninja, and Brute! The class of the hero you choose, dictates the cards you can include in your deck.
Each class has a unique play style. If you like agile synergy, then flip open a pack of Ninja. Robustly powerful? Guardians’ your man. Reckless destruction? Bellow for a Brute! Tactical precision? Duty awaits, noble Warrior.
FAB introduces a completely new and innovative game system to the TCG industry, based on the design philosophy of:
- Start full
- Reduce variance
- Every card counts
- Reward good decisions, not good luck
Every turn of every game there are plays you can make. No mulligans required. During most games, you will see every card in your deck at least once. Games are won through the accumulation of many small decisions, not through slamming “a dragon” and riding it to victory.
Tournament Play
Flesh and Blood is designed for constructed, sealed deck, and booster draft tournament play.
At the World Premiere, all matches will be best-of-one, with the exception of the final match, which will be best-of-three.
The FAB game system is designed to reduce variance. Simply, the player who makes the most “best decisions” in a single game match, will win the vast majority of their matches.
About Ira, Crimson Haze
Ira, Crimson Haze welcome deck is designed for an incredible first play experience. Ira will teach you the fundamentals of FAB while simultaneously showing you how much depth there is to the FAB game system.
The Ira Welcome Deck is a cohesive deck with very high replayability. Even the most accomplished TCG player will appreciate the depth of gameplay offered by Ira welcome decks.
Hosted by Hobby Master Event Centre
Level 1, 531 Great South Road
Penrose, Auckland 1061
New Zealand
(09) 526 5068
Friday 30th August
3.00pm – 8.00pm: Learn to Play with the developers of Flesh and Blood and get a free Ira, Crimson Haze welcome deck.
Saturday 31st August
10.00am – 12.00pm: Learn to Play with the developers of Flesh and Blood and get a free Ira, Crimson Haze welcome deck.
1.00pm: World Premiere $1k Tournament
Free entry. All players receive a World Premiere commemorative play mat!

World Premiere $1K Tournament details
All players must use an un-modified 30 card Ira, Crimson Haze welcome deck (you get this for free when you learn to play / register for the tournament).
World Premiere Champion – $1000 NZD cash
All players with 4 match wins or better receive a Hero Deck voucher*
7 rounds of swiss, with cut to top 8 single elimination play-off.
Swiss rounds will be single game matches, 30 minutes per round.
Quarter-final and semi-final matches will be un-timed, single game matches.
Final will be un-timed, best 2 out of 3 games.
End of match procedure (applicable only to the World Premiere $1K Tournament.) - Finish the current turn, then if the game has not concluded, the match is a draw.
*Redeemable upon release of Welcome to Rathe Hero Decks, releasing 11 October 2019.