"With each velvet touch, and whispered smile, the tapestry of fate weaves an epic of woe and anguish."
Nuu is a Mystic Assassin who seduces her targets into thinking they are safe, only to strike when they least expect it! She uses stealth to hide her true intentions, keeping the opponent guessing while she handcrafts their demise with their own deck!

How to play Nuu
Nuu holds her cards close to her chest, attacking the opponent with stealth cards, then adding on additional effects such as damage or go again in the reaction step after the opponent has defended. Stealth doesn’t mean anything by itself, but it has different uses depending on the Assassin who wields it. Nuu’s ability causes your opponent’s action cards to be banished instead of going to the graveyard when they have finished defending her stealth attacks. Many of Nuu’s attack cards also banish cards from the opponent’s deck and/or graveyard when they hit, gaining life if the banished cards meet certain conditions.
Nuu makes it difficult for the opponent to defend correctly with sneaky attack reactions. After the opponent has defended your attacks, you can enter the reaction step to play attack reactions. Most of these reactions do one of two things: add extra power to force the attack to hit, or give it go again in order to play another attack.
Many of Nuu’s reactions create Fang Strike or Slither tokens. These token reactions are created in your hand, and can be played on any attack action (including your current attack). When they have been used, they go back to your token pile instead of the graveyard. Remember that you don’t have to always play these immediately, you can save them in your arsenal for a later turn.
Time to Transcend!
As a Mystic hero, Nuu has access to powerful instants that transcend when you have played another blue card this turn. Playing a blue attack or reaction, then activating your Mystic instant is a strong way to transcend with Nuu. Flip the card onto its Inner Chi face and put it back into your hand. You can now pitch your Inner Chi like you would any other card, but it can also pay for Nuu’s hero ability.
Nuu’s ability is best used later in the game once you have banished a large number of your opponent’s blue cards. Check the top card of your opponent’s deck to see if you can get a bonus banish first, then play out as many of their banished blue cards as you like. Remember that you don’t have to pay the resource cost of these cards, but you do need go again in order to play multiple actions. If your opponent has blue defense reactions or instants in their banished zone, you can even activate Nuu on their turn to play those cards!
At the end of each game, remember to de-chi your deck, flipping your Inner Chi cards back to their regular Mystic instant face.
Armed to the Teeth
Make sure your cloaked equipment (Koi Blessed Kimono and Aqua Seeing Shell) start the game face down. These equipment do not do anything until you flip them face up. Kimono can be flipped up at the start of your turn when you have 1 life, searching your deck for a free Inner Chi to help you stage a comeback!
Shell can only be flipped up by pitching a blue. You can do this on either player’s turn, drawing a card to replace the one you pitched. Shell will then stay face up until your next turn and can defend for 1. Note that Shell does not have any keywords like battleworn, so if your opponent closes the combat chain, it won’t lose defense!
Nuu’s other two equipment have built-in reactions that create a Fang Strike or Slither. Activating the ability of this equipment, then playing the token you created from it counts as activating two reactions, which some of your attacks need to reach their full power. Remember that because they have battleworn, you can defend with them first, then use the reaction on a later turn.
Nuu’s signature daggers, Beckoning Mistblades, give your next blue attack extra power and go again when they hit. Your opponent will constantly be worried about whether to defend or not, never knowing whether you have a blue attack coming up. The daggers are paired nicely with 1-cost reactions and 0-cost attacks, allowing you to pitch a single blue for maximum value. The effect also applies to the cards you play from your opponent’s banished zone with Nuu’s ability!
How to win with Nuu
Nuu wins by slowly chipping away at the opponent’s life and deck, then finishing them off with their own cards. Be patient and use stealth cards to banish your opponent’s blues while keeping your life total high. Once there is a big pile in the banished zone and you have transcended, start thinking about how you can combine your daggers, reactions, and opponent’s banished cards to create a massive turn.
Activating Nuu’s hero ability too early when there aren’t many banished blue cards isn’t very strong. If you transcend early, it is often better to pitch the Inner Chi for a reaction or dagger, and plan to activate Nuu the next time you draw it. Sometimes you won’t banish enough blues to make a turn strong enough to kill the opponent, but you can still win a game by going over the top with reactions to deal lethal damage.
Use your arsenal wisely. Keeping a Fang Strike or Slither in arsenal can make defending incredibly hard for the opponent when they know you have the ability to add +1 or go again at any time. The deck also contains a key backup plan with Deep Blue Sea. When possible, try to pitch this card to keep it in your deck. When both players are running out of cards, pitching three blues for your daggers, Deep Blue Sea, and Arousing Wave can threaten up to 13 damage!
An easy way to remember the different cards in your deck is by the card types. Regular Assassin cards are mostly attack actions with stealth that banish cards and gain life, while Mystic Assassin cards are mostly attack reactions that create a Fang Strike or Slither, as long as you’ve pitched a blue.