On June 24th, 2022, Bravo, Star of the Show officially reached Living Legend status in Classic Constructed. Debuting with the release of Everfest on February 4th, 2022, Bravo returned to the stage of Flesh and Blood for the first time since Welcome to Rathe. This time, he had the power of the elements at his disposal, harnessing Ice, Earth, and Lightning as he put on a grand performance for all the world to see.

In a whirlwind tour of Rathe, Bravo claimed Callings and Battle Hardened events across the United States, Asia, and Europe, seizing the spotlight worldwide with the first two seasons of ProQuest. Michael Hamilton took center stage at the Calling: Indianapolis with Bravo in March, where he became the second-ever two-time Calling Champion; Luo Sheng-Xun made history at Asia's first-ever Calling as the charismatic ringmaster, claiming the tile of Calling: Taiwan Champion
While Bravo lost the finals of our first-ever Pro Tour, Mateusz Sass was winning the final match of the Calling: New Jersey, delivering the final blow to see Bravo into the hall of Living Legends. Yet Bravo found a few last opportunities to steal the show, claiming victory during the Uprising World Premiere weekend; Chris Ray won the Battle Hardened event in Las Vegas, and Thomas Bailey Galbraith won the Battle Hardened event in Sydney.
Whether you refer to him as Bravo, Starvo, Bravatar, Brostar, E-Bravo, Captain Planet, or any of the other titles he picked up across his journey, this is our final farewell to the first adult hero in Flesh and Blood to ascend to the halls of our Living Legends; a fitting finale for the star of the Legendarium.
Congratulations to all players around the world who helped Bravo, Star of the Show on his journey to Living Legend status; your names have been entered into Flesh and Blood history with the Roll of Honor!
Roll of Honor |
Adam Fiffles |
Adam Kohler |
Adam Sarrington |
Adam Urban |
Adi Guna Sodikin |
Aimran Kamarul Bahrin |
Albert Serrano Gomez |
Alejandro Silva Moro |
Alex Forndran |
Alex Keeler |
Alex Sneed |
Alexander King |
Alexander Steiner |
Alexandre Lefebvre |
Alvaro Francisco Toledano Benito |
Amour Brandan St. Amour |
Andrea Pizzetti |
Andrew Padlesky |
Andrew Rothermel |
Andrew Webber |
Anthony Bugoci |
Armin Soleimanpor |
Bartosz Jankowski |
Ben Hannan |
Brodie Spurlock |
Bun Ar |
Cayle Mccreath |
Charles Dunn |
Charles Nash |
Chris Brummett |
Chris Ray |
Christian Hauck |
Christian Heilman |
Christian Weißling |
Christopher Higashi |
Ciro Gambone |
Connor Rash |
Corey Baker |
Craig Krempels |
Dagan White |
Danny McGeehan |
Dave Pruneau |
David Reitbauer |
Dawid Dominiak |
Dean Ebelshäuser |
Dhedy Hindrawan |
Dirk Crasto |
Donovan van Beek |
Easton Douglas |
Ed Ross |
Elijah Bishop |
Ferran Riu |
Florin-Cristian Loghin |
Francesco Giorgio |
Gabe Sher |
Gabriel Torres |
Galaxy Yang |
George Karampinis |
George Rodger |
Gianni Kouris |
Gordon Koh |
Grzegorz Kowalski |
Ho Wei jie |
Ian Holland |
Ian Siczewicz |
Ilias Karamanis |
Immanuel Gerschenson |
Isaac Lee |
Isaak Krut |
Jacob Hand |
Jacob Shaker |
James Arnesen |
Jean-Sebastien Laurin |
Jenson Wilhelm |
Jeppe Madsen |
Jeremy Stockfleth |
Jeremy Stowe |
Jerick Fomocod |
Jesse Meulman-Marshall |
Joel Repta |
John Wood |
Jonathan Magnuson |
Jonathan Owens |
Jonathan Suarez |
Jonny Chapman |
Joseph Cervantes |
Josh Lind |
Joshua Bausch |
Julio Alfonso Pineiro |
Kailam Dale |
Karl-Emil Drenck |
Kenneth Thomas |
Kevin Zänker |
Kuan Li |
Lachlan Buchan |
Laurens Overgaauw |
Łukasz Szczepanowski |
maciej janik |
Mário Abrantes |
Mateusz Sass |
Matthew Mcgraw |
Matthew McInnis |
Matthew Vore |
Michael Bonde |
Michael Corvino |
Michael Dalton |
Michael Hamilton |
Michael Jaszczur |
Michał "siUa" Matusiewicz |
Michal Bedzak |
Minh Toan Nguyen |
Mohamed El Fardi |
Naib Mobassir |
Nam Vo |
Nathan Fortin |
Nick Butcher |
Nicolas Bouffard |
nicolas Jamoulle |
Noah Cagle |
Nuno Amaral |
Pablo Pintor |
Pankaj Bhojwani |
Pat Eshghy |
Patrick Hauser |
Patrick McGregor |
Paul Crame |
Peter Markovič |
Philip Parker |
Philip van Donselaar |
Pietro Gerletti |
Quinn Wongkew |
Randall Sims |
Ravi Sharma |
Raymond Chow |
Richard Anthony Bustamante |
Richard Wiradharma |
Rob Cygul |
Rory Milne |
Ryan Baker |
Ryan Leong |
Ryan Mound |
Sam Yuen |
Sean Stanley |
Sebastian Golla |
Sébastien Spilliaert |
Shawn Dhaliwal |
Sheng-Xun Luo |
Sherman Darrenkamp |
Simon Linabury |
Stephan Schwarz |
Stephen Black |
Tariq Patel |
Taylor Ballard |
Ted Grabow |
Ted Nilsson |
Thanthawat Chujitngamsuwong |
Thomas Badell |
Thomas Bailey Galbraith |
Thomas Harle |
Thomas Preyer |
Thomas Scott |
Thorbjørn Lind Jensen |
Timothy Barron |
Timothy Scroggs |
Tobias Lind |
Toni Savolainen |
Travis Bowling |
Trenton McBride |
Tsubasa Ueda |
Tyler Green |
Tyler Steenmeijer |
Vasil Popov |
Wan Pang Law |
Wesley Dong |
Will Laystrom |
Wim Eliano |
Wojciech Klimczyk |
Wyatt McHalffey |
Yongji Yang |
Yuanji Li |
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