A risky excursion in the wilds. That’s what those coined-up hedonists deemed pleasurable, and that’s what they got. In the Moat, they were voyeurs. In the Savage Lands, they could take part.
After an afternoon stalking brawnhide and scarbit, we set up camp in the far north-east reach, Togark the Wrangler rousing the Gougemoor elite with ale and tall tales, promising them another crack at a brawnhide, maybe a Big Horn. As night fell, our bonfire grew, their banal revelries intensifying.
Eager to distance myself from the rowdiness, I went behind the bushes for a leak. Stood in a pile of dung, the stench pungent. Now, when I think back, any predator could have attacked us, the jungle air so still our voices would have travelled for miles, our scent further.
Anyway, I was taking a leak, my eyes fixed on the stars, when I heard an ear-splitting scream. I ducked real low behind the bushes, looked towards the campfire, and there it was. Not a brawnhide or a scarbit, not even a Big Horn. It was the fiercest Brute I’d ever discerned, wielding a club made of bone and stone. We all know the stories. Brutes bite big! It wasted no time, smashing each reveller, shredding them with its claw-like hands until they lay torn and bleeding. The thing grabbed ole Togark by the back of his neck and sunk its teeth in deep. Tore his voice box clean from his throat and spat it out.
Astonished but alert, my instincts kicked in. Quiet as I could, I shoved my hands into the dung and covered myself in it, gagging as I went. After the Brute had finished its feast and collected its trophies, it picked through the camp, grabbing clothes from cases, smelling perfumes and soaps. Damn beast was after our scent alright. I waited and watched until it moved on, headed out of the jungle towards Gougemoor.
That thing is out there somewhere. If it makes it as far as Tarnish Hill, the croppers have a much larger problem than a Big Horn, that’s all I can say. When Togark promised me a purse of coins for that ‘picnic’, he handed me a Brute-sized stack of it. Perhaps the croppers might need a cicerone to lure it elsewhere? Deathmatch is just the place for a predator like that.
-Luca, Arena Cicerone

Debuting in Welcome to Rathe on October 11, 2019, and reprising in Heavy Hitters February 2, 2024, Rhinar was the very first and undisputable king of the jungle. Immediately making a name for himself in Blitz from Day 1 of the format's release, where lower life totals meant intimidate was an even deadlier mechanic, Rhinar remained a pillar of the metagame and a fan favourite for his entire run.
Throughout the highest of highest and the lowest of lows, Rhinar flipped gaming tables with savage tactics and wild variance for years. Always a strong pick for Skirmish Season, racing aggro decks and completely wrecking the careful counterweights of control decks, Rhinar encouraged heroes to play hard and play fast or risk being turned into mincemeat by an apex predator!
Rhinar officially reached Living Legend status in Blitz on September 13, 2024. Congratulations to everyone who beat their chests with the Alpha Brute. Your names have been sand sketched on the Roll of Honor!
Roll of Honor |
Aaron Shantz |
Adam Jessell |
Adam Tan |
Adam West |
Adrian Fatyga |
Adrian Mendez |
Aidan Barsony |
Akio Harada |
Alan Chavarin |
Alberto Ruiz |
Alex Lo |
Andrej Narjas |
Barry Teo |
Benjamin Norwood |
Bert D'Huyvetter |
Bianka Venturelli |
Birgir Hrafn Buason |
Blake Meier |
Bradley Liestenfeltz |
Brandon Datwyler |
Brandon Smith |
Brandon Thaxton |
Brett Gillson |
Brett Rogers |
Bryce Morgan |
Caleb Lolley |
Carlos Gutiérrez González |
Casey Wilson |
Chance Hensley |
Chandler To |
Chen Wei Li |
Christoph Jablonowski |
Christopher Doiron |
Christopher Rivera |
Christos Kostakis |
Cody Williams |
Connor Davenport |
Daan Barten |
Damiano De Prosperis |
Daniel Scupham |
Daniel Weatherhead |
Dave Cordeiro |
David Dyson |
Davis Purcell |
Davis Robinson |
Denny Sunarjo |
Denzel Dino |
Dev Gordon |
Dimitar Manov |
Dmitry Filippov |
Drew Bosco |
Dylan Vanpatten |
Eric Hoath |
Erick Ortiz |
Ethan Krogsgard |
Eugene C |
Fábio Antunes Gomes Pitta Pinheiro |
Florian Denil |
Florian Koksch |
Francisco Leiva Espanhol |
Gaál Benjamin |
Gavin Rapp |
Hayashi Takashi |
Hayden Dale |
Hayden Porter |
Hilmi Halim |
Ian Pratt |
Ilmari Lahtinen |
Ismael Ximpa |
Iuri Pertilli |
Jacob Simmons |
Jacob Willard |
Jan Kubisch |
Jason Chua |
Jeerod Balangan |
Jeffrey Delaere |
Jeromy Tsai |
Jesus Montijo |
John Hanifzai |
Jonah Overholt |
Jordan Raposo |
Joseph Fisher |
Joseph Vloet |
Joshua Elijah Sindao |
Junio Antono |
Justin Kinison |
Justin Whitcomb |
Keenan Fernandez |
Keenan Humphrey |
Kevin Goodkin |
Kyle Crabtree |
Lachie Kennedy |
Lan Falenti Koncilija |
Liam Canning |
Logan Bolam |
Louis Marcant |
Louis Solymos |
Lucas Michel |
Ma Kang Shuo |
Maciej Szawica |
Marit Franks |
Martin Vilem |
Mateusz Zalecki |
Matthew Brown |
Matthew Siuda |
Matthew Vore |
Maxandre Jacqueline |
Maximilian Klein |
Merrick Kemp |
Mohd Imran Jamil |
Nanchen Chen |
Naochika Machida |
Nathan Dollman |
Nathan Lucev |
Nicholas Holding |
Nicholas Mejac |
Nicholas Wong |
Nick Jones |
Nils Hauck |
Norman Bartel |
Oscar Lo |
Patrick Jud |
Patrick Roberts |
Patrick Watt |
Paul White |
Phelipe Da Hora |
Philip Wong |
Philippe Paquin |
Rafael Fernandes |
Randy Lavoie |
Raymond Griffin |
Reeve Chia |
Ricardo Torres |
Rob Solis |
Rodrigo Deus |
Rodrigo Lopez |
Ross Broxup |
Ryan Fox |
Ryan Thomas |
Sam Yuen |
Sam Dando |
Sam Payne |
Sean Davis |
Sebastiaan Knetsch |
Shane Ginter |
Siméon Gruel |
Simon Aguirre |
Simon Quirico Gamallo |
Simone Rainaldi |
Steve Pedersen |
Steven Obrist |
Steven Sweany |
Suryo Laksono |
Sylvain Le Roux |
Takahiro Nishimura |
Theo Maggs |
Thomas Libeer |
Thorsten Drescher |
Timothy Bogle |
Timothy Teo |
Ting Hee Yeoh |
Toby Beckham |
Tom Tucek |
Trenton Gutridge |
Valentino Odorjan |
Victor Leroy |
Victoria Dodson |
Wesley Chandler |
Xavier Hines |
Zachary Cauchi |
Zachery Scheidecker |
Zoe Morgan |
坂上 俊輔 |
武誉 清 |