How does it feel to be the World Champion?
Oh brilliant. I've been playing TCGs for 15 years and this is my biggest accomplishment so far, so I'm feeling great!
At what moment during your final match vs Mercy Bickell did it sink in that you were going to win the World Championship?
I was pretty confident when I figured out my opponent had the last Poison the Well in arsenal, because they hadn't used that arsenal for several turns, so when I drew the Command and Conquer to destroy it I knew the game would soon be over. So I just tried to keep calm and not make any mistakes because the stakes were pretty high. The realisation then slowly came to my mind.
Why did you choose to run Enigma with Count Your Blessings for this event?
I just like fatigue decks. I have a lot of experience with fatigue Dash, and Enigma does all the good stuff that Dash did but better, so I switched to Enigma, and also she has a way to close the game against your bad matchups, you can still play a core Enigma gameplan into those decks.
You had some absolute nailbiters in the feature match booth, was it like that for you all weekend?
Yeah it was like that, because you don't put pressure on your opponents. Assuming they play well (which they do in Top 8 of Worlds), they can play direct. I have three Command and Conquers and this is my only disruption. For example, when you see Michael Hamilton play Nuu he has lots of disruption. I don't, I just block, gain life, and when my opponent fatigues I finish the game with Chi and Spectral Shields. But until that point they can do whatever they want, so it's always dangerous until then.
What's your advice for new players?
Just play the game and enjoy it. If you play games and figure out that you want to play competitively, don't push yourself, just try see if you like it - if you do, just spend hours and hours testing and preparing for tournaments, and if you don't like it then just play the game at Armory level and have fun.
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