Welcome to Metagame Minute, where we tuck into the latest tournament results and discuss tasty trends, saucy highlights, and spicy decklists - all wrapped up in a bite-sized read!
It's getting hot in here... Week 2 is in the books, and Skirmish has new frontrunners in both formats. There are some very interesting builds out there, and some heroes landing on the board that might surprise you.
In the Blitz corner we have Blaze, Firemind (or as I like to call her, Look and Cook) at the top of the charts this week, taking over from Aurora to set Blitz ablaze. We also say goodbye to Victor Goldmane (the one without a horse), and look forward to all of the trickle down economics that will surely follow in his absence.
In Living Legend Starvo has been ushered off stage by none other than Viserai in all his Skeleta-y goodness. Also... Vynnset? Deck has legs??
Today let's take a look at an interesting deck from each format that showed up in surprisingly large numbers...

Drome Alone
Dromai is well known for her searing hot run in Classic Constructed, but in terms of Living Legend she was considered to have just missed the circa 2021 powerhouse bandwagon, settling somewhere in the lower ranges of heroes that lose to the upper cut. This week she proves them wrong, soaring to new heights as an aggro deck with solid answers to control decks. If they attack your dragons, great! Looks like you're winning the damage race.
There's a lot of Dromai goodness in here, from the renowned Tome of Imperial Flame, to a Chrome Cavern endgame package, Burn Them All combined with Nourishing Emptiness, and my personal favourite (and maybe a little Draconic Ninja biased) - the Phoenix Flame engine. Seems like Dromai actually has a lot of play this metagame, and a lot of tools to deal with various offenders.
Cat in the Hat
Zen's doing solid numbers as we expected he would, but not as a balls to the wall aggro deck, as a more value-oriented combo deck, with great searchable options and the ability to draw 9 copies of Inner Chi in 40 cards for maximum consitency. You also can't knock Traverse the Universe providing that insane extra card for the spike turn he needs to push over the line. With Victor Goldmane out of the way, I'm sure we're about to see the claws come out.
So this day and age, what do you search that's not Bonds of Ancestry? Crouching Tiger synergy is where it's at, and with extra ways to make them such as Pouncing Paws and Tiger Eye Reflex, you can get really good value out of combo cards like Chase the Tail, Mauling Qi, and Breed Anger. With Twelve Petal Kāṣāya providing a Get Out of Jail Free Card against Runeblades, it's becoming very apparent that you can't keep a good Ninja down!
Who will step up next week to claim the top spot? Will we see a reprisal or an upheaval? One things for sure, more Cold Foil Terras are out there begging to be given a new home so get amongst it and throw down!