The smell hits you first.
Blood… Sweat… Steel…
Feral crowds roar loud as the thumping in your chest. You step into the arena, hot sand billowing at your feet. Drinks are poured, wagers are made, weapons are drawn…
Gold and glory is yours for the taking… If you survive the Deathmatch Arena!
And survive it you have. When the dust settles, you stand atop a mountain of bruised muscle and broken bones.
You came to this place to win enough gold to raise an army.
Now they are yours to Command... yours to Conquer...

As a surprise for Collectors Week 2024, we are thrilled to reveal the long-awaited Deathmatch Arena Champion Prize Card!
With the release of Heavy Hitters, a Deathmatch Arena leaderboard was set up for the six featured heroes. Throughout selected Heavy Hitters limited events across Road to Nationals, Battle Hardeneds, PTIs, and Callings, each victory was recorded.
When the season concluded, Kassai reached the highest rank on the leaderboard, and was declared the official Champion of the Deathmatch Arena. Her triumph has been immortalised on a special Alternate Art Command and Conquer.
Each player who claimed a victory with Kassai will receive their prize, shipped directly to their home, starting next week. If you won more than once, you'll get more than one copy!
Thank you to all our contestants for braving the throes of the arena, and happy Collectors Week!