We are thrilled to announce the next evolution of Flesh and Blood organised play - GEM Packs!

GEM Packs are replacing Armory Kits as the main form of prize support for Flesh and Blood organised play. They contain chase cards, including Extended Arts, Marvels, Cold Foils, and many more surprises that make every pack exciting to rip open!
Each main booster set season will have its very own GEM Pack crafted around the theme of that season, kicking off with Gem Pack 1, featuring cards related to The Hunted.
GEM Packs reward in-store participation over performance, giving players at all levels equal opportunities to open the chase cards, and offering an awesome incentive for newer or casual players to join in the fun.
Local game stores will also get a greater deal of flexibility with the new prize support, allowing them to more easily support in-store play and meet the unique needs of their community.
Allocation will scale based on community size, and will be supplied to stores in two waves per season, with each wave providing prize support for approximately two months of in-store play.
GEM Pack 1 will be available in local game stores from February 1, 2025. Stay tuned for juicy previews of what you can expect to find inside when you rock up to your next Armory Event!