Week 3 of Pro Quest: Amsterdam is a thing of the past, officially marking the back half of the season! Every Classic Constructed hero is officially on the Living Legend Leaderboard and the metagame is brushed with every spectrum of color. Kayo, Kassai and Victor Goldmane have made it crystal clear that the Deathmatch Arena wasn't enough to satisfy their bloodlust. Meanwhile, those once labeled as "underdogs" are raising the question: "Are you not entertained?"
With only one week left to secure your invite to Pro Tour: Amsterdam, now's the time to stop playing nice. Show them what you're made of and hit 'em where it hurts!

Bali Awakening Zone - Indonesia
"The players were very happy to be able to participate in this kind of tournament. Each round, the room was filled with jokes and laughter, as the community shared the joy and experience together. Thank you LSS for the great opportunity to host Pro Quest."
1st: Abdurrahman Putra - Viserai, Rune Blood
2nd: Rio Vandra - Azalea, Ace in the Hole

Gameware - Austria
"Our first Pro Quest event was a huge success. Fifteen players competed in this thrilling tournament. Half of them were locals from Innsbruck, and half of them specifically came from Germany. At the end of the day, Viêt Pham was able to take home the win, but everybody had a ton of fun and we are all looking forward to the next event."
1st: Viêt Pham - Kayo, Armed and Dangerous
2nd: Sebastian Linn - Fai, Rising Rebellion

Smash N' Play - Brazil
"We had some players from other cities who came to the event and we had the presence of judge Nemo Luz who led the tournament in a friendly manner. At the beginning we had a big surprise that no player presented the same hero! This showed us that the game is very healthy and the community was thrilled when we announced it."
1st: Lucas Miranda - Dash, Inventor Extraordinaire
2nd: Sofia Romão - Azalea, Ace in the Hole

Game Kastle - United States
"We had an amazing turn out for our Flesh and Blood Pro Quest: Amsterdam Tournament! So many familiar faces and even some friendly new ones in attendance! We are so grateful for our amazing community coming out to play their favorite trading card game!"
1st: Majin Bae - Kano, Dracai of Aether
2nd: Nicholas Botchis - Azalea, Ace in the Hole

Sage's Portal - United States
"We had a stellar ProQuest in Spokane, WA at Sage's Portal this year. 28 participants from Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and Montana showed up to battle it out for the grand prize! Blood, sweat, and (a few) tears, were shed all throughout the day as we labored to find a winner!"
1st: Drew Bosco - Rhinar, Reckless Rampage
2nd: Ryan Cochran - Victor Goldmane, High and Mighty