From the hot sands of the arena... to mist-cloaked valleys steeped in truth and tradition... through thorny thickets and volatile thunderstorms... the 2024 journey of Flesh and Blood has finally come to a close.
It has been an exceptional year of challenges, rewards, and growth for both our game and our community. Now it's time to kick back, enjoy the holidays, and reflect on the path we walked together.
Our first thank you goes out to all our friends and whānau who stood by us, encouraged us, and patiently listened to us rant endlessly about TCG related nonsense. Flesh and Blood couldn't have reached its 5th year milestone without your support.
Now... let's roll the highlight reel!

This year we:
- Celebrated Flesh and Blood's 5th Anniversary
- Hosted a special Celebrational with our community
- Hit a new milestone - 150,000 Armory Events played worldwide
- Officially brought Flesh and Blood to Japan with the launch of Japanese language product, followed by World Championship: Osaka
- Launched the highly successful Armory Decks, making it easier than ever for new players to dive into Classic Constructed
- Launched Flesh and Blood in Mexico
- Clashed and wagered in the Deathmatch Arena with the hugely popular Heavy Hitters
- Unveiled the new Mystic talent with Part the Mistveil
- Returned to Candlehold for the first ever ALL-ARCANE set with Rosetta
- Launched an exciting new pathway for players to learn Flesh and Blood with 1st Strike
- Brought the most iconic hero in Flesh and Blood history to Classic Constructed in her deadly new form - Ira, Scarlet Revenger
- Made fan-favourite character Jarl Vetreiði into a playable hero
- Said goodbye to several heroes who became Living Legends
- Brought back Collectors Week, and shinier than ever
- Launched the infamous Dumpster Dive series
- Delivered $1,500,000 in prize money with our globally renowned Pro Play circuit
- Ramped up our convention presence
Thank you to our guest writers:
Logan Bolam - Calling: Queenstown Live Blog
Joe Kavanagh - Calling: Hartford Live Blog
Sean McCherry - Calling: Liverpool Live Blog
Pankaj Bhojwani - Primed to Fight: Sideboarding
Three Floating - Traveller's Guide to Los Angeles
Parker Brown - A Guide to Living Legend
Logan Bolam - Pro Tour: Los Angeles Live Blog
Logan Bolam - Interview: Arthur Trehet
Logan Bolam - Calling: Phuket Live Blog
Arthur Trehet - Primed to Fight: Pitch Stacking
Parker Brown - Metagame Minute: Pro Quest: Amsterdam, Week 3
Parker Brown - Recap: Pro Quest: Amsterdam, Week 3
Parker Brown - Battle Hardened: Valencia Recap
Parker Brown - Metagame Minute: Pro Quest: Amsterdam, Week 4
Parker Brown - Recap: Pro Quest: Amsterdam, Week 4
Parker Brown - Battle Hardened: Richmond Recap
Alex Kivitz - Calling: Warsaw Live Blog
Alex Kivitz - Calling: Tokyo Live Blog
Rhea Adams - Primed to Fight: Choosing a Hero
Nick Miller - United States National Championship Live Blog
Pankaj Bhojwani - What to Expect at Pro Tour: Amsterdam
Noah Cagle - Traveller's Guide to Amsterdam
Fluke and Box - 10 Tips for Starting a Collection
Hiroshi Okubo - Armory Deck: Kayo Introduction
Hiroshi Okubo - Armory Deck: Boltyn Introduction
Hiroshi Okubo - Armory Deck: Azalea Introduction
Hiroyuki Tansei - Armory Deck Origins: Jarl Vetreiði Introduction
Elly Bird - Primed to Fight: Gameplans
Hiroyuki Tansei - What to Expect at World Championship: Osaka
Moé Furusawa - Traveller's Guide to Osaka
And our Japanese event coverage team
Special thank you to:
Three Floating - A Night at the Armory
Savage Feats - Too many awesome live streams to list
And our event partners, judges, casters, cosplayers, local game stores, content creators, and of course, every single player out there.
That's all from us at the studio for 2024. We hope you have a relaxing break and join us again in 2025 as we seek new horizons with renewed vigor (and might... and agility). Stay safe, have fun, and don't do anything Arakni wouldn't do!