The forest knows your name.
Let her guide you through Autumn, as decaying leaves form a tawny resting place.
Let her guide you through Winter, as the earth reclaims its own in mournful silence.
Let her guide you through Spring, as verdant life joyfully blossoms once more.
Let her guide you through Summer, as thunderous possibilities light up the horizon.
We all have a part to play in the eternal cycle of life.

"With her fall, the ancient enchantment begins to fade, and the Rotwood stirs once more."
-Kaysin, Maela Soothsayer
- Rosetta - Felling of the Crown, Germinate, Heartbeat of Candlehold
- World Premiere Promos - Channel the Millennium Tree, Channel Lightning Valley, Runechant (Alternate Arts)
- Legend Story Studios - Volzar, the Lightning Rod
- Skirmish Season 9 - Earth Form, Lightning Form
- Pro Tour: Amsterdam Keynote - Aurora, Shooting Star, Florian, Rotwood Harbinger, Verdance, Thorn of the Rose, Oscilio, Constella Intelligence, Null // Shock, Comet Storm // Shock, Burn Up // Shock, Thistle Bloom // Life, Pulsing Aether // Life, Sanctuary of Aria
- Battle Hardened Seasonal Promos - Hand Behind the Pen, Smash Up, Tongue Tied
- Player Email - Plan for the Worst, Adaptive Dissolver
- Savage Lands News - Splatter Skull
- On Hit Effect - Fluttersteps
- Release Celebration Promos - Sigil of Deadwood, Sigil of Fyendal, Sigil of Sanctuary, Sigil of Cycles
- Release Celebration Promos - Sigil of Temporal Manipulation, Sigil of Conductivity, Sigil of Forethought, Sigil of the Arknight
- Calling: Manila - Unsheathed, Gustwave of the Second Wind
- September 2024 Armory Kit - Vaporize // Shock, Electrostatic Discharge
- Calling: Osaka Promo - Sigil of Brilliance
- Battle Hardened: San Diego - Fruits of the Forest, Trip the Light Fantastic

"Many have forgotten Davnir's lessons: within decay, the secrets of rebirth are hidden."
-Ozrim, Rosetta Elder
- Unbox FAB - Regrowth // Shock
- Br33zy - Runerager Swarm
- Push the Point - Splintering Deadwood
- One Two Juice - Deadwood Dirge
- Blue Pitch - Sigil of Lightning
- The Card Guyz - Hit the High Notes
- Three Floating - Seeds of Tomorrow
- GoAgainMedia - Well Grounded
- The Spike Feeders - Condemn to Slaughter
- Ethan Van Sant - Malefic Incantation
- Sloopdoop - Arcane Cussing
- Yui Tokiwa - Flash of Brilliance
- Yuki Lee Bender - Blast to Oblivion
- UnofficialJPN - Flittering Charge
- Dice Commando - Second Strike
- FAB Unofficial - Bloodtorn Bodice
- SuperDuper FAB - Hocus Pocus
- Fabrary - Rootbound Carapace
- Shoma Yamamura - Cadaverous Tilling
- Legend Story Studios - Aurora Blitz Deck, Florian Blitz Deck

"With boundless potential to flourish or wither, the fate of Candlehold lies in your hands."
-Queen of the Rosetta
- Fazendo Nerdice - Summer's Fall
- TCG TALK - Fertile Ground
- L'Œil d'Ophidia - Perennial Aetherbloom
- KAI-YOU - Pop the Bubble
- MajinBae - Overflow the Aetherwell
- Staxwell - Harvest Season
- Fresh and Buds - Blossoming Decay
- Tomonyan - Arcane Twining
- FABREC - Hold Focus
- Legend Story Studios - Verdance Blitz Deck

"To wield lightning is to channel the raw energy of Yvor through your very veins."
- Sunflower Samurai - Twinkle Toes
- We Make Best - Chorus of the Ampitheater
- DMArmada - Glyph Overlay
- Kiki Labad - Etchings of Arcana
- Hayden Dale - Exploding Aether
- BLACKFROG - Ink-lined Cloak
- Bagel TCG - Photon Splicing
- GIRAFULL - Trailblazing Aether
- Legend Story Studios - Oscilio Blitz Deck