With one more week to go, the chances to qualify for this year's National Championships are rapidly dwindling. Luckily, this year we have National Festivals, offering an exclusive promo card for players attending side events. So even if you don't make it to your National Championship, it's still worth coming along to celebrate with the rest of your community. Another unbelievable spread of heroes claimed wins this week, leaving pro players with quite a puzzle to solve in time for Pro Tour: Los Angeles. Heavy Hitters remains one of the most enjoyed limited sets of all time, with players drafting again and again and again!

Plenty of Games - Australia
"We had an incredible 59 players turn up to what was an amazing day down at Plenty of Games. The story of the day was surrounding Melbourne local Darren Taing, A Fai die-hard who managed to Top 8 the Australian National Championship last year with Fai in a Lexi-dominated meta. He has been down on his beloved in recent times but he was convinced to stick it out for Road to Nationals and unknowingly to him, behind the scenes the rebellion was rising! 15 other Melbourne locals decided to unite with Darren this weekend and take Fai into battle. Upon sitting down for Round 1, Darren was shocked to see an army of Fais surrounding him, all with custom Darren Fai hero tokens. He went on to say how loved he felt and how special the Melbourne community is to him."
1st: Justin Lim - Dorinthea Ironsong
2nd: Sam Sutherland - Fai, Rising Rebellion

Top Deck Games and Hobbies - Philippines
"It was an exciting weekend for our local community as a new rivalry formed between two neighboring cities, Cagayan de Oro and Davao. Within a field of Guardians and Draconics, one peculiar Wizard surprised everyone, clutching every single game with just 1 life remaining, to be declared our Road to Nationals champion. He opened a Gold Foil Ragamuffin's Hat to end on a high note as well."
1st: Mort Castillo - Kano, Dracai of Aether
2nd: Christ Antonell Achas - Victor Goldmane, High and Mighty

Bumblebeez Spellenwinkel - Netherlands
"We had a great time! It was a long day, but everyone had a lot of fun. This was the first time we had a Road to Nationals in our store, and we only received great feedback. We also organised sandwiches for lunch which players loved. Last but not least, our judges are the best! They did a lot of work and made sure everyone had fair play. Big thanks to them!"
1st: Jun Lin Xie - Kassai of the Golden Sand
2nd: Ernesto Silva - Kassai of the Golden Sand

FaB Foundry - United States
"29 players battled it out over two drafts, six rounds of swiss, and a Top 8 to determine the last player standing in FaB Foundry's Road to Nationals. In the final Deathmatch of the day, Thor Hoffman piloted a powerful Betsy list to victory over Tyler Biggs and his Kayo build. Turns out being the only Guardian in a pod has its advantages!"
1st: Thor Hoffman - Betsy
2nd: Tyler Biggs - Kayo

Treasure Chest - Canada
"We had many out-of-towners show up to compete and it was awesome seeing the community come together to support us! We had two locals make Top 8 and it was fantastic seeing them do so well. The finals was super close between Kayo and Dromai, with both players at 2-3 life, Dromai was able to clutch it out and kill Kayo by playing a Themai to stop him from playing a lethal Reckless Swing!"
1st: Felix Chung - Dromai, Ash Artist
2nd: Andrew Padlesky - Kayo, Armed and Dangerous